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This page provides instructions for configuring PostgreSQL


Homebrew package manager installed on your system


Uninstall existing PostgreSQL (if applicable)

brew uninstall postgresql

Install PostgreSQL

brew install postgresql

Set environment variables

Once done, execute below commands depending on the shell type.

To determine shell type execute

ps -p $$ -o comm
For bash
echo '# Postgres' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'export POSTGRES_HOME="$BREW_HOME/opt/postgresql@14"' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'export POSTGRES_DATA="$BREW_HOME/var/postgresql@14"' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'export PATH="$POSTGRES_HOME/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
For zsh
echo '# Postgres' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'export POSTGRES_HOME="$BREW_HOME/opt/postgresql@14"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'export POSTGRES_DATA="$BREW_HOME/var/postgresql@14"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'export PATH="$POSTGRES_HOME/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

Start PostgreSQL

brew services start postgresql


PostgreSQL version

psql --version

Viewing Configuration

psql postgres -c 'SHOW config_file;'

The configuration file is typically located at /opt/homebrew/var/postgresql@14/pg_hba.conf


Connect to the PostgreSQL server

As admin
psql postgres

Set the default password for the postgres user

ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'password';

Then you have to use below command to connect with psql

psql -d databasename -U username
psql -d postgres -U xsc

Verify the current user

SELECT current_user;


Create additional role



Enabling SSL

1. Changing Directory

Change to POSTGRES_DATA (/opt/homebrew/var/postgresql@14) directory


2. Generate Certificates

In below command -subj "/" argument is optional for local setup.

openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -text -out server.crt \
-keyout server.key -subj "/"

this will create two files server.key & server.crt

3. Restrict The Permissions

So only root user can read and write the file.

chmod og-rwx server.key

4. Update the config file

open postgresql.conf

open POSTGRES_DATA/postgresql.conf

and edit existing ssl config.

# - SSL -

ssl = on

5. Restart Postgres

brew services restart postgresql
# OR
brew services restart postgresql@14


The pg_hba.conf file is a crucial configuration file in PostgreSQL that controls how the server authenticates users.

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all password
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all password
# IPv6 local connections:
host all all ::1/128 password
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
# replication privilege.
local replication all password
host replication all password
host replication all ::1/128 password


  1. Local Connections
    • local all all all password: Allows any user to connect locally (using a Unix domain socket) to any database using password authentication.
  2. IPv4 Local Connections
    • host all all password: Allows any user to connect to any database from the local host (IPv4) using password authentication.
  3. IPv6 Local Connections
    • host all all ::1/128 password: Allows any user to connect to any database from the local host (IPv6) using password authentication.
  4. Replication Connections
    • local replication all all password: Allows a user with the replication privilege to connect locally (using a Unix domain socket) to any database using password authentication.
    • host replication all password: Allows a user with the replication privilege to connect to any database from the local host (IPv4) using password authentication.
    • host replication all ::1/128 password: Allows a user with the replication privilege to connect to any database from the local host (IPv6) using password authentication.

Additional Notes

  • all in the Database and User fields means the rule applies to all databases and users, respectively.
  • and ::1/128 are CIDR notations for the IPv4 and IPv6 loopback addresses, respectively, restricting connections to the local host.
  • password as the authentication method requires users to provide a correct password to connect.
  • Avoid using trust: The trust method allows connections without any authentication, which is generally insecure.

User Management

  • Least privilege principle
  • Role-based access control (RBAC)
  • Disable unnecessary users

Network Security

  • Firewall rules
  • SSL/TLS encryption
  • Consider using SSH tunneling to add an extra layer of security for remote connections


CREATE DATABASE mydatabase_local;
CREATE DATABASE mydatabase_staging;
CREATE DATABASE mydatabase_production;
CREATE DATABASE mydatabase_testing;


Create a PostgreSQL extension


citext is a PostgreSQL data type that is case-insensitive and accent-insensitive. This means that it treats strings as equivalent regardless of their case or the presence of accents.


Connecting to a Specific Database

psql --host=localhost --dbname=mydatabase_local --username=my_username
psql -d database -U username